We have our own purpose built studio with full GREEN SCREEN facilities all sides top and bottom painted flat walls so we can do advanced seamless integration. We also hire the studio out, please see details lower down the page. This is Covid compliant space to easily create more than 2 metre gaps as required both in the studio and the waiting area below. Both waiting area and studio are fully ventilated. Waiting area is direct outside access and has a short stairway directly to the studio with a very high ceiling, yet again ensuring plenty of ventilation. Toilets have hand cleaning facilities etc. Masks are available as required. Room dimensions are below – please scroll down.

NFD Green Screen Studio
Example stages of the Green screen process used on a feature film below. Note the smooth green background as its painted on a wall, so seamless transition unlike material that has creases and folds which often carry through to the finished footage spoiling what might otherwise have been really good.
GREEN SCREEN can be used for a wide variety of projects from placing products and people in different locations anywhere in the world to creating fantasy characters and ghosts that can fly float etc for films. The example above shows the ghostly head being filmed green screen. That is then placed in the footage and finally the green removed to make it look like it was there all the time. You could for example place the MD in a exotic location to give an entertaining company presentation or perhaps you have a product that you can’t afford to fly to an exotic location in which case we can easily make it appear as if you had. Options for green screen are limitless.
Upstairs STUDIO is approximately 20ft by 20ft – Back wall has seating which can be moved in the room but not easily out of it.
Green screen area is approximately 20ft wide by 7ft depth. Black floor carpet lifts up for green floor area.
Waiting area is approximately 20ft by 9ft

NFD Waiting area
Toilet/Shower area is approximately 10ft by 4ft
Downstairs has an outside door access with waiting room toilets and shower.
Studio while built onto the side of a house has its own separate outside access and parking for one vehicle directly outside the door with more on street free parking easily available.
Internet connection average 71.05 download with 18.39 upload. On AN EVENING the download may drop to around 68 but the upload is normally reasonably constant.
Access to a DaVinci Resolve 18.1 editing/grading suit on a XEON 22 core with Nvidia RTX 8000 48GB VRAM and 5.1 sound system is available as an extra.
Access to Camera/Sound equipment – Black Magic/Panasonic/Sennheiser and lighting is available as an extra.
This facility is available to hire for small projects from £220 per day/part of (max 8 hours). Discount may be possible for bulk booking.
Whatever your requirements we can help, please get in touch to learn how we can help you with your projects
+44 (0)1977 681949 or Email –
Recent customers have said:
“You work extremely hard for your money” – “Truly excellent work, should have done this years ago” – “Far better results than we ever expected” – “Excellent value for money”
We are based in the Leeds area and cover Yorkshire, Humberside, Cumbria, and North East/West areas but are happy to go almost anywhere.